вторник, 5 мая 2009 г.

Artificial intelligence (AI) & Blockchain. Ben Goertzel and Sophia (Humanoid) Hanson

Artificial intelligence (AI) & Blockchain. Ben Goertzel and Sophia (Humanoid) Hanson

Ben Goertzel (CEO, SingularityNET) together with Sophia Hanson (Chief Humanoid at SingularityNET) here on Cointelegraph channel to bring us up to speed on what's going on with artificial intelligence (AI) nowadays and where it is heading:

AI’s head in the clouds? Surprisingly this could be very productive.

Concept of Artificial General Intelligence

Privacy issues in context of Sophia’s and her cloud mates abilities.

The future of our population and your own brain.

Human zoo or superhuman being?

Ben Goertzel on The Cointelegraph


Ben has a math PhD, but is currently working mostly on artificial intelligence and its various applications. He is focused on creating benevolent superhuman artificial general intelligence; and applying AI to areas like financial prediction, bioinformatics, robotics and gaming.

Sophia is an evolving genius machine. In accordace with Sophia's creaor - Dr. David Hanson she is tend to be smarter than humans and can learn creativity, empathy and compassion - three distinctively human traits Hanson believes must be developed alongside and integrated with artificial intelligence for robots to solve world problems too complex for humans to solve themselves.

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Original article and pictures take s.ytimg.com site

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