понедельник, 29 ноября 2010 г.

Blockchain voting app wants to weigh in on the fork drama

Blockchain voting app wants to weigh in on the fork drama
Blockchain voting app IHB News™

Bitcoin startup Blockchain Innovation Labs, Inc., just released an open-source blockchain voting client that allows Bitcoin-holders to cast shareholder-style blockchain votes on coin development issues, all without ever giving up control of their Bitcoins or private keys. For the first time, the Bitcoin community can objectively gauge coin-holder support for controversial developer proposals and give developers the mandate they need to implement change.

The CryptoVoter blockchain voting app provides the mechanisms for completely decentralized blockchain voting that eliminates the need of trusted-third-parties to administer, cast or audit votes, so Bitcoins never leave a user’s wallet when voting. Like shareholders holding shares in a corporation, each Bitcoiner’s voting power is directly proportional to the number of Bitcoins they own.

In addition, CryptoVoter leverages blockchain technology to work on almost any blockchain-based coin, application or DAC. Furthermore, the CryptoVoter blockchain voting client is released as open-source code to allow it, and the blockchains it serves, to grow stronger through community collaboration.

“For too long, Bitcoin development consensus consisted of developers pushing Bitcoin code changes down to ever-centralizing mining pools for network-wide adoption, with the actual owners of Bitcoin inexplicably shut out from the process. CryptoVoter finally gives these stakeholders a voice in development consensus, which we believe will strengthen the blockchain by empowering its users.” – Jim Joseph, Blockchain Innovation Labs Co-founder & CEO

CryptoVoter is a product of Blockchain Innovation Labs, Inc., a newly launched Bitcoin/Fintech startup developing decentralized applications that leverage blockchain-technology and asymmetrical public- key encryption for public and commercial use.

Blockchain voting app wants to weigh in on the fork drama IHB News™

Original article and pictures take ihb.io site

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