вторник, 17 мая 2016 г.

Sphere Social Decentralized Social Network

Sphere Social Decentralized Social Network

All of the activity that we take part in on the internet as well as all of our social media presences all serve to contribute to what is actually billion dollar businesses. This is in part based on the amount of data that we generate based on our useage patterns. The data in turn is used for advertising and other means of monetizing our social media participation.

As an example, there are many people out there that think they they should be receiving more in terms of the protection of their privacy and data.

Also, in terms of the amounts of revenues that are being generated by using the data that we give freely [or is taken from us] – many feel that we should be receiving a percentage of some of those profits.

We via the use of Sphere Social’s Disruptive Decentralized Social Network the man on the street is able to take back the internet!

Original article and pictures take www.cryptocurrencydigital.com site

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